Answers to Quizzes

Answers for Chapter 2 — Rhyme Quiz Joseph Isaiah Joshua Elijah John Jacob Answers for Chapter 19 — “Ears” Quiz Blessed are your ears for they shall hear. (Matthew 13:16) And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee. (Isaiah 30:21) Incline thine ear unto my...

Present Your Body — “Heart”

In this lesson on the body, we are going to see a few things concerning the heart. In Jeremiah 17:9, we read, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked, who can know it?” Surely the natural heart is deceitful and desperately wicked....

Present Your Body — “Hands”

In this chapter we will study concerning the hands and how they, too, can be used for the Lord; but how they are often used for evil purposes. I have had many boys and girls ask, “How can hands be used for the Lord?” I sometimes give the boys and girls...

Present Your Body — “Mind”

Today we will study a very important part of our bodies, the mind. I say this is very important because it is the part that controls the other members of our bodies. For instance, the hand does what the mind tells it to do. Therefore, if our minds are stayed on...

Present Your Body — “Feet”

For those of you that may have forgotten about the Scriptures we are supposed to be memorizing along with these studies, I want to give them to you again. They are Romans 12:1-2. Learn them and review them, and say them over again and again as you study this series of...

Present Your Body — “Ears”

Scripture reading: Matthew 11:15, 13:15, II Timothy 4:4; Proverbs 2:2, James 1:19 In our study on the body and how different parts of our bodies can be used for the Lord, we will study about our ears. We saw in the past two lessons how that the eyes and the lips could...