We record videos of the Bible message from our Sunday morning worship services as well as messages from our annual Bible conferences in March. We also have video of brief devotional messages recorded during the pandemic. All video is posted on our YouTube channel. You can watch the videos from this website by selecting from those listed below. However, on our YouTube channel, the videos are organized into playlists for completed sermon series or specific Bible conference messages.
Video Bible Study Messages
Our Grace Commission, Ephesians 33, 12-01-24, Pastor Gregg Bing.
What is the Mystery? Ephesians 32, 11-24-24, Pastor Gregg Bing.
What the Mystery is Not, Ephesians 31, 11-17-24, Pastor Gregg Bing.
The Mystery of Christ - 2, Ephesians 30, 11-10-24, Pastor Gregg Bing.
The Mystery of Christ - 1, Ephesians 29, 11-03-24, Pastor Gregg Bing.
Totally Equipped (2 Tim. 3:1-17), 10-27-24, Jim Morrison.
Gentiles' New Spiritual Condition, Ephesians 28, 10-20-24, Pastor Gregg Bing.
When Was the Church Revealed?, Ephesians 27, 10-13-24, Pastor Gregg Bing.
When Did the Church Begin?, Ephesians 26, 10-06-24, Pastor Gregg Bing.
The Church - One New Man, Ephesians 25, 09-29-24, Pastor Gregg Bing.
Gentiles: Far Off - Brought Near, Ephesians 24, 09-22-24, Pastor Gregg Bing.
Saved by God's Grace - Created Unto Good Works, Ephesians 23, 09-15-24, Pastor Gregg Bing.
Saved by God's Grace - Our Future Purpose, Ephesians 22, 09-08-24, Pastor Gregg Bing.
Saved by God's Grace - Alive Together with Christ, Ephesians 21, 09-01-24, Pastor Gregg Bing.
Saved by God's Grace - His Mercy and Love, Ephesians 20, 08-25-24, Pastor Gregg Bing.