R. B. Shiflet was the founding Pastor of Eleventh Avenue Church in Mineral Wells, Texas where he ministered the Word for over 60 years. He began his ministry serving as Associate Pastor with Pastor Ike Sidebottom at College Avenue Church for 5 years. He then moved to Mineral Wells where he not only pastored a church, but also worked in the public school system for almost 30 years. He is now at home with the Lord.
- An Informal Study of EphesiansA dispensational outline study of Paul’s epistle to the Ephesians. As we open our Bibles to the text of this rich letter, we are indeed on holy ground. Nowhere in all of the world’s literature can we find such profound truth stated so simply, yet so majestically. Before us lies the truth that can liberate the believer and lift him ...
- An Informal Study of PhilippiansA dispensational outline study of Paul’s epistle to the Philippians. As members of the body of Christ in this dispensation of grace, we know we too are included as recipients of the message of this great epistle. In fact, someone has well said that every believer in America who traces his ancestry back to Europe, in a real sense traces ...
- Giving Under GraceThe increasing emphasis on money in most churches is causing many people to study the Word of God for the truth on this important subject. Each year brings new schemes to raise money to support the increasingly top-heavy ecclesiastical organizations with which so many of God’s own are affiliated. A professor in a large institution of higher learning recently was ...
- Personal MeditationsThese thoughts are purely personal; so the first personal pronoun will be used from time to time throughout, without a great deal of concern about good rhetorical principles. Any other Christian, musing on these same epistles, will find other key thoughts in them, and such meditations will be just as valid. Obviously, we cannot confine any piece of literature to ...
- The Lord’s SupperCommunion Questions It is a little known fact that the words, “The Lord’s Supper” appear only one time in the Bible and then they are used negatively—”When ye come together therefore into one place, this is not to eat the Lord’s Supper” (I Corinthians 11:20). Literally, this passage says, “ye cannot eat the Lord’s Supper.” Yet, in spite of the fact ...
- The Unity of the SpiritIntroduction One of the burning issues of this generation is the renewed interest throughout Christendom in Christian union. Not since the days of the Reformers has there been such widespread interest in having all believers in “one fold” through organic union of the various denominations. Many Protestant denominations have long talked in terms of the “ecumenical movement” with various plans to ...
- UltradispensationalismI have never met a man who admitted that he was an ultra-dispensationalist. I have never heard nor read a satisfactory definition of one. I know that the word has a synonym, “hyperdispensationalism,” and the propagandist who enjoys resorting to the effective technique of name calling may have his choice of the Greek prefix “hyper” or the Latin “ultra” to ...