In Philippians 3:10, the Apostle Paul expresses his heartfelt desire, “that I may know Him (Christ).” Paul had known Christ for many years as his Savior and Lord, so what did he mean? Paul desired to know Jesus Christ more deeply through experiencing a close, personal relationship with Him on a daily basis. In this series of Bible messages, we explore how we, as believers in Christ, can experience this same thing in our own lives.
These Bible messages entitled “Knowing Christ” were preached by Pastor Gregg Bing in 2021 during the morning worship services at Grace Bible Church in Fort Worth, TX.
Gregg Bing - November 15, 2015
Introduction to Jonah
Scripture References: 2 Kings 14:23-25, Matthew 12:38-41, Jonah 1:1-17
From Series: "Jonah - A Whale of a Tale"
This series of Bible messages is a study through the book of Jonah. This book is often attacked by Bible critics as being a fantasy or a legend, but our Savior Himself attested to the historical accuracy of this record (Matthew 12:39-41). These studies examine the ministry of this prophet of God who was sent to Ninevah, the wicked capital of Assyria, but instead tried to run away from God’s purpose for his life.