In this series of studies we look at the 5 basic tenets of Calvinism, represented by the acronym TULIP: T (total depravity), U (uncondition election), L (limited atonement), I (irresistible grace) and P (perseverance of the saints). We examine the Calvinist interpretation of each of these tenets and show how they are inconsistent with the teaching of the Scriptures when considered from a dispensational viewpoint.
These Bible lessons were taught by Pastor Gregg Bing in 2023 during the adult Sunday school class at Grace Bible Church in Fort Worth, TX.
Gregg Bing - April 16, 2023
Reformed Theology and Calvinism

From Series: "A Scriptural Look at Calvinism"
In this series, we examine the 5 tenets of Calvinism, represented by the TULIP acronym and show how each of these assertions are inconsistent with the teaching of the Scriptures when considered from a dispensational viewpoint.