Forgiveness and love our Lord freely gave,
Having died and then risen up from the grave.
No man can fathom the depths of God’s mind;
None is deserving of a Father so kind
As to declare perfect and righteous and just
A sin-laden child of rancor and lust.
God’s blessed salvation through the blood of His Son,
To be claimed without price by each penitent one
Who will humbly receive the gift of His love,
Is an eternal possession sent down from above.
His mercy and grace have kindly bestowed,
A peace past understanding which from Calvary flowed.
Boundless God’s mercy, matchless His grace,
Endless the blessings in that heavenly place
Where the Lord of All Glory is reigning supreme
And shall one day call home those He’s redeemed.
The Great God and our Savior soon will appear
And take us home to the glory of His heavenly sphere.