John 3:16 has long been regarded by Christian believers as the Golden Text of the Bible. A person may be saved and go to Heaven without knowing the true interpretation of difficult passages of Scripture which theologians have struggled over for centuries, but God’s simple plan of salvation is made so clear, so concise, so complete in John 3:16 that no one need ever be lost.

The verse is in three divisions: (1) “For God so loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son”—That is God’s Part in Salvation. (2) “That whosoever believeth in Him”—that is your part in salvation. (3) “Should not perish but have everlasting life”—that is the result when you receive, by faith, what God offers. The basic truth of John 3:16 is made clear by such passages as Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, and Ephesians 2:8-9.

Not only is John 3:16 the Golden Text of the Bible, it is perhaps the greatest and most wonderful passage in all the Word of God. Every word, every phrase has great meaning.

FOR GODthe Greatest Person
SOthe Greatest Degree
LOVEDthe Greatest Act
THE WORLDthe Greatest Company
THAT HE GAVEthe Greatest Proof
THAT WHOSOEVERthe Greatest Invitation
BELIEVETHthe Greatest Simplicity
IN HIMthe Greatest Attraction
SHOULD NOT PERISHthe Greatest Promise
BUTthe Greatest Difference
HAVEthe Greatest Assurance
EVERLASTINGthe Greatest Duration
LIFEthe Greatest Possession