Part 7 - "The Message of Pentecost - 1 - Prophesied by Joel" (Acts 2:14-16) - When the Holy Spirit came on the day of Pentecost, with all the miraculous signs that accompanied it, the Jews who were staying in Jerusalem to celebrate the feast were amazed and perplexed, for they heard the disciples of Jesus speaking in different languages, ones they could understand. Some questioned among themselves, "Whatever could this mean?" Others mocked Jesus' disciples, saying that they were drunk. This morning, we look at Peter's answer to their confusion, explaining that what they had just seen and heard was what had been prophesied by Joel. We consider the importance of this statement and how it impacts our view of what the book of Acts is all about.
The book of Acts is one of the most important books in the Bible, touching on many key doctrines that affect how we worship and serve the Lord. Yet, it is also one of the most misunderstood books of the Bible, an issue that has caused great division among believers. This series of lessons is a verse by verse study, from a dispensational perspective, through the book of Acts, a book that is marked by transition. These messages were preached by Pastor Gregg Bing at Grace Bible Church during the morning worship service in 2022-2023.