This collection of Bible messages on a variety of subjects were preached by our founding pastor, Ike T. Sidebottom, at College Avenue Church (original name of Grace Bible Church) in Fort Worth, TX back in the 1960s. Brother Ike, as he was affectionately known, was one of the foremost preachers and teachers of the Word of God, though he is best remembered by his true humility and love. He spoke with a slow, deep voice as he preached the gospel of God’s grace and taught the Word “rightly divided.” Sadly, these are the only recordings we have of Brother Ike in MP3 format.
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In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, many are wondering, "Is This the End of the World?" Many point to the signs Jesus spoke of in Matthew 24:1-8, but these are signs associated with a prophesied period in which God is dealing with His earthly people, Israel; an age brought to a close by Jesus' return to earth to restore Israel's kingdom. These signs have nothing to do with our present age, an unprophesied period in which God is dealing with His heavenly people, the Church, the Body of Christ; an age which will be brought to a close by the coming of Christ in the air to take His Church to be with Him in heaven.